Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This Hobby Moved Me

I'd like to express something very heartfelt not to any one person in particular, but this entire hobby as a whole. This hobby has slowly become a part of me over the years and shaped the person that I am today. In the beginning, I was under the impression that those involved in rabbits were all one big, happy family... and then I was sorely disappointed when I discovered the complete opposite. As I continued steering my way through the rabbit world and taking numerous detours, I met numerous people along the way that have become what is known as my "rabbit family".
To a beginner who hasn't quite found their family yet, this is a strange concept. Usually they assume that our rabbit families are the people that mentored us and know every tiny detail about our herd because we obsess over our rabbits to them 24/7... they're the people we trust entirely with every last detail pertaining to our barn.
But my rabbit family is much more to me than just a group of people who I discuss bunnies with daily. My rabbit family has and continues to shape the person I am and the person that I am becoming. They know much more than just the in's and out's of my rabbitry. They know the details of my personal life and support me through everything... often even more than my biological family supports me. They are my rock when it seems as though my life has become chaos and my stress level is at it's peak.
If there was one thing I could tell these people, I would tell them how much they've moved me. Through watching and listening to them, they changed me and made me a better person. They brought me closer to God by sharing and demonstrating their own faith and love. Thank you for the honor of being my family and helping me grow into the person that I want to become. I have no regrets when it comes to meeting the people that I associate with in this hobby. I love each of them as if they truly are my own family.

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