Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cleaning and Ventilation

Among one of the most important steps to a successful rabbitry, a good cleaning and ventilation plan. In this post, I'll show how I keep my barn clean and ventilated. Obviously every rabbitry is going to have to do this a little different since we all have different set ups. If you're building a bunny barn soon, you should plan for a lot of air flow to avoid ammonia build-up. If you're like me and you had to move your rabbitry into an already existing building, things get a little more complicated. Haha!

This is the barn before I started...

Take the dirty trays out...ick...

Dump the trays in the garbage can, making sure
to scrape the newspaper off into the garbage.

Add a fresh layer or newspaper!

Sweep the floor...
And there's a clean barn! :D (for the most part, Lol!)

 One last thing that is not rabbit related. My brother was in an accident this afternoon and broke his back. He will be going into surgery in 10 minutes. He may never walk again. :'( Please say a prayer for him. I may not be posting much for a while.


  1. I am so sorry about your brother!! ;( I will be praying for you. I know you said you might not post for a while, but how is he doing?? Again, so sorry. ;(

  2. He's okay I guess. His lungs are full of fluid. :/ He has to stay at the hospital tonight too. On Sunday morning he had a panic attack and had to be sedated. It's going to be a slow, long road to recovery.

  3. I will keep praying for you and your brother. I can't imagine what you are going through, it can't be easy. ;( How long do the doctors think it will take him to recover?

  4. He has to be in a brace for 3 months and then we'll go from there... :(

  5. I'll be praying for you guys. With God all things are possible!!
