Saturday, July 14, 2012


Well as usual, I'm staying with these rabbits even if it kills me.
Some bad news is I think Pippet may have a retained kit. I can feel an oblong shape, but she won't pass it. She was due yesterday. Usually when I palpate by now to check on the babies growth, I can feel the babies individual legs, and the head. This one just feels like a lump of firm...stuff. We will see. I may end up petting her out if it is. She has a great pet personality, my most well behaved doe.

Some awesome news is Chex is due on the 28th. Those babies are growing fast! I'm very excited to see what Teddy x Chex produces.

Asti thinks he will die without his oats...

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Pippet. You might be interested in an article on the adhrc website under the breeding section, that talks about how retained kits can be reabsorbed or even passed with the next litter. Hope Pippet will be ok.
