...sigh... I really don't like this 'Winter' stuff. lol All the crocks are frozen within 2 hours, the chickens are confined to their layer, and the cows are walking icicles. If we had our nice barn we'd be in good shape but ever since we moved, we've had to keep all of our animals outside in quickly built shelters. We'll get new barns after we move though (YAY).
We currently have Peach and her 10 babies in my office keeping warm. Peach is beginning to grow on me too. She's a big, thick doe with a cute personality. The rest of the bunnies are doing great as well. I have all the cages wired shut to keep out critters. It's definitely a pain to twist 2 wires off and on every cage each day but I do it for the bunnies. I don't want to loose another one of my babies. It's too heart breaking.
I'm way excited for my future plans and new additions. I plan to have a new space for bunnies when I find a nice loafing shed available. We are currently looking for a galvanized steel 2 stall, stand alone 'barn.' One stall for the bunnies and the other stall...for a..........drum roll.............
My dad finally decided to get serious about horses again. We are going to see a bay mare over the weekend named Twaynas Bedouin Cash. I'm sooo excited!! But since this blog isn't about horses, I'll try to keep talking about them to a minimum. Lol! But I do have to sneak pictures of her into this post.
Okay, back to bunnies! I have some good news and bad news. The bad news, McRae passed away today. He turned out to be a fader. But the good news, my baby girl, Adaliene is healing really fast. I looked her over today and from what I can see, her nails are growing back! This means that as long as no black spots appear, she will be showable when she's finished healing!! I'm praying for Addy! She's the best hotot that I've produced and I would really love to show her. Her head is thickening up like her dad's and her ears are smaller than her dad's itty bitty ears! Plus her gorgeous body. She's just a solid doe.
And I successfully bred Manda today. She finally lifted for Gilroy! I'm so excited for a February 4th Holland Lop litter out of these two. They'll be absolutely gorgeous
This is what we are thinking about to be the bunny/horse barn. |