Thursday, August 30, 2012

Long Time, No See!!!

Hey! Well it has been a while!! I haven't been able to get to blogging this whole week but I am back for today! haha Well I have many updates, but I can't write a paragraph on each one or else my poor healing arm will ache, so I am going to make a brief list.
-Selling Tegan and Cowboy
-Bred Maybelle and Chex
-Selling Popit after she weans her litter
-Popits litter is adorable but I realized today, none of them are BEW. Darn.
-There's more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. haha
So I did some posing today and realized how nice my juniors are coming along. I am so excited to see how they mature, but I will have to sell them and just get pictures as I need money for new bunnies right now. I am 100% empty on the bunny money right now. EEEK!!!

Cowboy and his awkward pose

Tegan, I promise he isn't under-cut. He just prefers to stick his back feet forward making the appearance of under-cut

Manda's cute face

Decent pose out of her!! Finally!! :D

Gillie also did a nice pose today!

Gillie's cute face <3

Popit and her two babies, with Maybelle's foster doe.

Toni wearing my shades... HAHA

"I don't want to wear them anymore...."

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tour of the Rabbitry

I thought I'd make a video tour of the barn yesterday. I finally got it to upload to youtube so here it is!!! Nothing left to say! haha Excuse the dirty cages, they were cleaned today. ;)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bored In The Barn

Well there isn't much going on at the bunny barn. All the rabbits except Maybelle and the babies are molting. Ew. LOL! There is fur flying! But some exciting news; we have a heifer bagging up and getting ready to have her calf! I am very excited!! I will most likely be halter-breaking this baby in order to make it easy to handle like my last steer, Boomer. Unfortunately I won't be able to show this baby as it is a hybrid and it doesn't have quality lines so it likely won't be a good quality market baby.

The rabbits are all doing well aside from the molting. I got everyone out today and groomed, then played with them. I got a pose out of most of them, except Teddy, Chex, and Popit. I just realized I am at 12 rabbits including the babies right now. That's exciting!! I plan to grow a lot in the fall with both breeds. I will for sure get more hotot does, but I am not sure if I can afford another pair of hollands. They ain't cheap!!

He's not looking to great right now, but I can't say for sure, he's only 3 weeks.

Aw man!! Those shoulders! We will see how they babies develop. They are still young.

Tegan being adorable <3

Tegan does not approve of being posed. lol

Tegan's tiny ears

Got a DECENT posed picture of Manda today. Excuse her awful molt line!

I think Maybelle wants to come meet Manda. LOL

Gilroy looking awful in mid-molt. LOL! Poor boy!

Maybelle looking gorgeous! Can't wait to show her at state! She is in amazing condition right now!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Posing Practice for Babies

Haha! This is me attempting to practice posing with Cowboy and Tegan. Such silly boys! Obviously Tegan has Chex's "whatever" personality when it comes to posing. Then Cowboy has the "NEVER!!!" Personality like Teddy. Gotta love them hotots!
I realized yesterday that these two look like clones of their dad. LOL

Le Link:

Monday, August 13, 2012


Maybelle finally had a litter. They were born on the wire so I warmed them up and put them back in their nest with momma who is acting clueless. It was 3 banded babies that I saved and a DOA peanut.
Ugh! I swear that doe doesn't have to slightest clue! Now I will be attempting to foster Maybelle's 3 babies with Chex who already has a 2 week old litter of two. This will consist of daily rotating of nests so each litter is fed well. Maybelle will get another try as she was a first timer. I am sure she was in panic. She scratched all 3 of the babies which was what set me off. I took them away after I discovered the scratches. Let's just pray Chex stops staring at the nest and starts feeding them. LOL! She is so confused. Poor babies, poor Chex!
These pictures were taken from my ipod which wasn't the best, but my camera is struggling.

Chex's 2 weekers in their temporary cage. I have to find a different one.

So sweeeeeet!

I promise those aren't spots, that's Sharpie for identification.

Maybelle's Litter is in there.

Chex decided to dig in her feeder making a mess of the whole cage...

Tegan during pose practice.

Mystery baby (either Missy or Cowboy) during pose practice.

LOL! Tegan: WHERE'S MY BUDDY?!?!?!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Adorable DH Babies

Well, There isn't much going on lately. Just adorable growing babies! I took a few pictures today That you may enjoy. Complete with a grumpy mama pic!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Babies

Not much going on lately, The babies are thriving and getting cuter by the day! The Hollands are doing well. Roy is doing great, Manda is struggling. She isn't eating much. I got her to eat a plum yesterday. We will see how she does this week.

Roy after eating a plum, LOL



Roy has interesting coloring on his lower HQ


