Sunday, September 9, 2012

RIP Tegan

Well... As the title says, RIP Tegan. Poor Baby. I always looked forward to seeing his cute little hop to the front of the cage everyday. Not only am I heart-broken, but this also ruins my convention plans. I will be getting a  hotot doe from Alberta, Canada. But then I was also planning to bring in another doe from LuvLops. I don't know if I can afford it anymore.

RIP Tegan <3


My boyfriend's baby, Polar Bear!!

My dad bought some new zealands. This is Freddy.

Peaches the doe, with her sharpie tattoo.

Daisy doesn't know what to think of the bunny madness.

Gorgeous Utah Sunset on our land

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry about Tegan. What happened? I hope Cowboy's doing ok.
