Friday, June 1, 2012

Pippet pulled fur!!

So the most interesting thing happened this morning. Pippet, our "horrible mother" rabbit pulled tons of fur in her hay box! Oh my!!! She is 9 1/2 days from her due date and she already started.

Oh!! I really need to get a nest box built! Except I can't because I have a broken arm, so let me re-phrase that, My brother needs to get a nest box built!! I will put him to work when he gets home from the hay fields.

Then we are headed off to the rodeo! I will probably post pictures of that if I can. The livestock move so fast its next to impossible to get a still shot. No promises. LOL

She wouldn't wake up for nothing!

Her pretty little nest in her hay stash.

Still sleeping.......

Little Nasty was hiding from me.

Then Teddy got jealous and I gave him the extra... bucks.