^_^ Yes, that is indeed the look on my face at the moment. I'm speechless still, two weeks after winning a double Best In Show with.....*drum roll*..... two homebred Holland Lop junior bucks! Eek!! :-D I entered seven animals on June 21st for our WRBA show in Salt Lake City, five of which were homebreds who were on their first time out. Additionally, I entered my new herd buck, Zivago and my sable program herd buck, Thompson. Here's how everyone did:
Show A Results
1st SSB- G.C. TF Zivago
4th SSB- Little Rascal's Mr. Swagger
1st SJB- Little Rascal's Tyler
2nd SJB- Little Rascal's Classy
3rd SJB- Little Rascal's Beau
1st SJD- Little Rascal's Southern Girl
2nd BSB- Xcaliber's Thompson
Tyler went up for Best Of Breed and won without hesitation from the judge. Believe it or not, my jaw dropped. lol In no way did I expect my little junior buck to beat out Zivago, the best buck in my barn who has taken five legs in open and two legs in youth against some of the top Hollands in the nation. Now here's a confession... Tyler was in the cull pen from 4-5.5 months and was nearly sold as a pet several times. My bad! :-O I couldn't believe it! I was absolutely speechless.
Carrying my T-Man up when they called all Best of Breeds to be judged for Best In Show, I expected nothing impressive, once again. After all, this was a homebred in my arms. The rabbit world trains us younger breeders to believe that we indeed, will not prosper until our rabbitry reaches it's 25th+ birthday. Doesn't it? ;-) Regardless, my heart my pounding, I was sweating just a touch, clenching my jaw, and my knees were a bit shaky as always while anxiously awaiting the verdict. She announced 2nd Reserve, 1st Reserve, and nearly made me faint when I heard "Holland Lop" announced for Best In Show. Once again, my jaw dropped and I starred at my dad with shock plain on my face. After the split second it took for me to regain my cool, I did what resembled a bit of a happy dance which made my tense competitors giggle and relax a smidge. What a peace-maker, I am. ^_^ All the while, this was my dad's first rabbit show and he had no idea what was going on so he was trying to ask me what was happening as I took a moment to mentally celebrate. Lol!
On to the next show!
Show B Results
1st SSB- G.C. TF Zivago
4th SSB- Little Rascal's Mr. Swagger
1st SJB- Little Rascal's Classy
2nd SJB- Little Rascal's Tyler
4th SJB- Little Rascal's Beau
1st SJD- Little Rascal's Southern Girl
2nd BSB- Xcaliber's Thompson
The results varied just a touch in this show but for the majority of my entry, they placed just the same! I once again was not expecting much however when I heard the judge announce BOB and ultimately, BIS once again, I was speechless! All I can say is wow! I can't believe it even as I sit here now. It just doesn't seem like it really happened yet. Looking at the awards, I still feel as though it was a dream! Regardless of whether it was a dream or reality, I'm so excited!
Best In Show- Show A
Little Rascal's Tyler |
Best In Show- Show B
Little Rascal's Classy |
I actually recorded videos of most of the judging and those can be found here:
Show A:
Show B: