Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rabbitry Cost Breakdown

Today I thought I'd do a Rabbitry Cost Break down for those of you wanting to start a small show rabbitry. I'm almost scared to post this. I am going to do how much I actually spent and how much to expect to spend. I found once-in-a-lifetime deals on most of my things. It's really hard to find rabbitry supplies that cheap. Brace yourselves.

What I spent:
Bucks: $260
Does: $260
Cages/feeders/waterers/carriers: $200

Monthly Costs:
Feed: $18.50 (Annual: $222)
Bedding: Free
Papers: Free

Grand Total: $942.00

This coming year, I plan to get a 12x16 Bunny Barn equiped with an AC ($3,000), many more cages, many misc. items, and many more bunnies. The investment has only just started! I just re-started my rabbitry in July so if you think about it, I have spent A LOT in the past 3 months. Plus I am a Youth breeder so $942 is a pretty big chunk of money for me. I have decided that I are going to try to make the bunnies pay for themselves from now on with litters.

Now What you should expect to pay for your Rabbitry if you don't wait for big deals to come up.

What to Expect:
Small Barn: $2,000
AC: $100-$500
Cages(20 holes): $1,200
Water bottles: $80
Feeders: $50
Cage Accessories: $50
Grooming table/supplies/scale: $60
Carriers(6): $50
Crocks for carriers: $30
Misc.Supplies: $50

Total: $3,670

This is not including the rabbits as the prices fluctuate so much.

These are expensive, FUN rabbits!!!

Maybelle's new Litter. 1 sport, 2 banded.

Maybelle's temper has changed completely since she had a litter. She's so sweet now!

Popit feeling lonely now that I weaned her litter.

Popit's babies in their new cage.

Polar is going to live with my Bestfriend on Saturday.

Chex was re-bred on the 25th.

Manda was confirmed pregnant today!

No post is complete without a picture of my baby, Missy! <3

Monday, September 17, 2012

Random Ramblings

I had just finished plowing all day in the field and I got to watch a nice sunset from the gate on Saturday.
Sugah filling out nicely just like her momma.

Popit's baby, Panda. He is so ROUND!

My Boyfriend's baby also out of Popit, Polar. He is a baseball! <3

Teddy has filled out a lot!

Miss Grumpy Pants... Maybelle.

Manda, She is a wild one.

Teddy just loves to have his cage door opened.

Just in case you don't know me personally, That's me. haha!

My Wild Child was killing my hay bale. :/

My big boy, Grizz will be leaving us soon. :( I will hate to see him go.

Thought this was gorgeous.

<3 Utah <3

Sunday, September 9, 2012

RIP Tegan

Well... As the title says, RIP Tegan. Poor Baby. I always looked forward to seeing his cute little hop to the front of the cage everyday. Not only am I heart-broken, but this also ruins my convention plans. I will be getting a  hotot doe from Alberta, Canada. But then I was also planning to bring in another doe from LuvLops. I don't know if I can afford it anymore.

RIP Tegan <3


My boyfriend's baby, Polar Bear!!

My dad bought some new zealands. This is Freddy.

Peaches the doe, with her sharpie tattoo.

Daisy doesn't know what to think of the bunny madness.

Gorgeous Utah Sunset on our land